Additional Settings

There are a few additional settings you can use to add additional functionali for login and permission required and are set in your file.


  • If LOGIN_REQUIRED_FOR_CRUD has been marked as True in, then login_required decorator will be enabled on all CRUD views globally.
  • If you want to enable login required only for specific model crud, then you need to add following to crud class
# myapp/
login_required = True
  • By default LOGIN_REQUIRED_FOR_CRUD is False, which means any user can view all the CRUD views.


  • If PERMISSION_REQUIRED_FOR_CRUD has been marked as True in, then permission_required decorator will be enabled on all CRUD views globally.
  • If you want to enable permission required only for specific model crud, then you need to add following to crud class
# myapp/
permission_required = True
  • By default PERMISSION_REQUIRED_FOR_CRUD is False, which means any user can view all the CRUD views.

By enabling either of above flag, by default crudbuilder checks for following permissions:

  • For ListView : <your app_name>.<your model>_list
  • For CreateView : <your app_name>.<your model>_create
  • For DetailView : <your app_name>.<your model>_detail
  • For UpdateView : <your app_name>.<your model>_update
  • For DeleteView : <your app_name>.<your model>_delete

If you want to add your own permissions, then define your own permission required dictionary exlicitly in CRUD class.:

permissions = {
'list'  : 'example.permission1',
'create': 'example.permission2'
'detail': 'example.permission3',
'update': 'example.permission4',
'delete': 'example.permission5',